One of a kind finds... There are no 2 alike with the C.E.A.H. signature hats...Some hats are similar but the details and or embellishments are unique. Custom fit , no fade colors, stylish and unique, durable hand crocheted ART. Get your collectable NOW! Be the first to set the latest trend in fashion CROCHETED ART. Our moto his "WEAR THAT ART!."
When you wear this hat think of sunflowers and sunshine, green pastures tall grass, blue skies and red barns, heavenly venue on earth to relax.
Dress to express, what you wear makes a statement, speak loudly!
Handcrafted , this fashion statement can be worn with leggings and a tank top, short fitted dress, with heels, or over swim attire, casual or classy you choose.
vibrant color
designer status
fashion trend
one of a kind
SOLD! August 27,2022 @ Danville Marketplace.